
Cooking Time:

30m 100 equalizer

Recipe by: Play Recipe Admin Team

58 months ago


Step 1: Prepare Strawberry Parfait

To make Strawberry Parfait, first mix strawberry pieces with granulated sugar and keep aside. Grind pretzel with melted butter and cinnamon in a food processor till they are small chunks and mixed well. Now blend yogurt with brown sugar in a medium bowl. Now add part of yogurt mixture in serving glass followed by crumbled pretzel and strawberry mixture. Repeat layering twice and finally top with mint. Refrigerate it for cooling.

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Step 2: Prepare Banana Parfait

To make Banana Parfait, first make vanilla liquid in medium flame on stove. Add whipped cream, sugar, brown sugar and vanilla seeds in a saucepan. Stir it and place lid over saucepan to simmer for 15 minutes. Pour vanilla liquid into bowl and refrigerate for 3 hours. Remove vanilla liquid and blend until smooth. Blend crème fraiche and sugar until thickened and fluffy. Now add vanilla cream into serving glass followed by banana slices. Next layer it with crumbled coconut cookies, whipped crème fraiche and banana slices. Refrigerate it for cooling.

Step 3: Prepare Chocolate Parfait

To make Chocolate Parfait, first blend chocolate pudding mix, milk and sour cream with electric blender until smooth. Now put chocolate cracker sheet into zip lock bag. Roll rolling pin over the zip lock bag to make chocolate cracker crumbs. Now in serving glass add chocolate cracker crumbs, layer it with chocolate pudding mixture. Add whipped cream, then grate chocolate bar on top of it and refrigerate it for cooling.

Step 4: Decorate & Serve

To decorate and serve Parfaits, decorate serving bowl with strawberries and banana slices and grate chocolate bar on top of it and add mint leaves and place in serving tray. Finally place all three Parfaits on serving tray and serve chilled.


For Strawberry Parfait:

  • 12 Strawberry
  • 2 tsp Granulated sugar
  • 1 cup Pretzel
  • 2 tbsp Melted butter
  • 2 tbsp Brown sugar
  • ¾ cup Yogurt
  • Pinch of Cinnamon

For Banana Parfait:

  • Mint leaves as per requirement
  • 1 cup Whipped cream
  • ½ tbsp Vanilla seeds
  • 1 cup Crème fraiche
  • 1½ cup Crumbled coconut cookies
  • 1 tsp Brown sugar
  • Banana slices
  • 2 tbsp Sugar

For Chocolate Parfait:

  • 1 cup Chocolate pudding mix
  • 2 cup Milk
  • ½ cup Sour cream
  • 6 Chocolate cracker sheets
  • ¼ Chocolate bar
  • 1 cup Whipped cream

For Decoration And Serving:

  • ¼ Chocolate bar
  • 12 Strawberries
  • Mint leaves as per requirement
  • Banana slices

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